How To Find Out What Version Of Outlook I Have

  • Click the File Office Account firstly, and then click the About Outlook button, and you will get the version number at the top of popping up About Microsoft Outlook dialog box. See the following screen shots: Check Outlook version number in Outlook 2010.
  • Depending on the version of Outlook you have, you can find the current version number under the File menu, or by opening the 'About' menu. When you check which version of Outlook you have, you'll.
  1. How Can I Tell Which Version Of Outlook I Have
  2. How Do I Figure Out What Version Of Outlook I Have

You have Windows 10 if you see a Start menu like this when you select the Start button from the desktop. If you right-click the Start menu, you'll see the Power User Menu. The Windows 10 edition you have installed, as well as the system type (64-bit or 32-bit), can all be found listed in the System applet in Control Panel.

Original KB number: 870929


This article lists the different versions of Microsoft Outlook 2002, Microsoft Office Outlook 2003, Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, Microsoft Office Outlook 2010, and Microsoft Office Outlook 2013 and describes how you can determine the version that you have installed on your computer. Links are provided at the bottom of the article for Microsoft Outlook 97, and Outlook 2000 version information.

More information

To determine the version of Outlook that you use, follow these steps:

  1. Start Outlook.
  2. On the Help menu, select About Microsoft Office Outlook.
  3. Verify the version information and the build number to determine the version of Outlook that is installed on your computer.

The following information lists the version information and the build numbers for the U.S. versions of Microsoft Outlook.

Outlook 2013 version information

Outlook 2013 versionDescription
Outlook 2013 (15.0.4481.1510)This is the original RTM release of Outlook 2013.

Outlook 2010 version information

Outlook 2010 versionDescription
Outlook 2010 (14.0.4763.1000)This is the original RTM release of Outlook 2010.

Outlook 2007 version information

Outlook 2007 versionDescription
Outlook 2007 (12.4518.1014)This is the original RTM release of Outlook 2007.

Outlook 2003 version information

Outlook 2003 versionDescription
Outlook 2003 (11.0.5608.5606)The original release version of Outlook 2003 was released in October of 2003.
Outlook 2003 (11.0.5608.5703)This is a Microsoft Office 2003 critical update that was released on November 4, 2003.
Outlook 2003 (11.6359.6360)This is the Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 1 release version.
Outlook 2003 (11.6568.6568)This is the Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 2 release version.

I think I just installed Service Pack 2 for Office 2010 but when I go to File-> Help it doesn’t show that Outlook is at Service Pack 2 level. It only shows version number 14.0.7012.1000.

Does this number indicate that Service Pack 2 is installed?

How Can I Tell Which Version Of Outlook I Have

When you go to Help-> About in Outlook and you see a version number of 14.0.7012.1000 (or higher), it indeed means that you have Office 2010 Service Pack 2 installed.

If it is lower than that but higher than 14.0.6023.1000, then it means you have Service Pack 1 installed.

Anything below that means that you haven’t applied any Service Pack yet.

Click on the image to view entire Help screen.

Classic About dialog

How to find out what version of outlook i have now

If you have no desire to remember this number, you can also press the text link directly under that version number named;
Additional Version and Copyright Information.

When you click that link, the “classic” About dialog will open which holds the indication “SP1” or “SP2”after Outlook’s build number. The version number after MSO is the version number of the overall core of Microsoft Office. This will be the same across all the Office 2010 applications that you have installed.

How Do I Figure Out What Version Of Outlook I Have

Click on the image to view the entire About dialog.