
The ChordLab makes it possible that you can basically receive an unlimited quantity of in-App Purchases for ChordLab within just with 3 minutes of time and very little effort at almost all. The ChordLab Cheat is completely unengaged to use and you’ll generate as much in-App Purchases when you desire. Makers of the music reading game Mozart, Quincy the cellular automaton for music generation and many other apps and games for music education on iOS and Mac. ChordLab instantly shows you the right fingerings (tabs) with lots of smart alternatives that may surprise you! On the top you will see the fingerings/tabs that are easiest and will sound better on your instrument. You can duplicate, save, and delete instruments. ChordLab is a unique music application that tackles advanced concepts in harmony. So beware - this is not the generic chord-book app that guitar players use to look up a diagram for an E or A chord. ChordLab deals with harmony as a whole. ChordLab differs in its top to bottom approach that begins with a basic chord form which can then be put through permutations like inversions and different voicings. It features all the standard voicings commonly used in Jazz, Rock, Pop, and elsewhere.


Harmony is a difficult and complex part of music theory with chord spelling and construction at its very basis. What is a chord? Is it C - E - G# or C - E - Ab? You like the sound of those four notes on your guitar, but is it a chord? And if so, what is it called? These are typical issues facing the creative musician when trying to bring a new song to paper. Music theory is often complex and correctly spelling a chord that may have sharps and flats, double flats or double sharps is not always easy. This is where the traditional chord books and apps become useless and ChordLab steps in. ChordLab involves the ear and showcases the finer shades of harmony available with each alteration, voicing and inversion based on the concepts of music theory. It is a great aid where chord spelling and voice leading are concerned but also delivers when a fingering for an unknown chord is needed.


ChordLab differs in its top to bottom approach that begins with a basic chord form which can then be put through permutations like inversions and different voicings. It features all the standard voicings commonly used in Jazz, Rock, Pop, and elsewhere. In that sense it serves as a color palette or sounding board that automatically generates valid fingerings for the piano and guitar in addition to the correct music notiation. The result is a much deeper and better understanding of the underlying principles of harmony.

Circle of Fifths

Another essential tool found in ChordLab is the Circle of Fifths which is implemented in a manner that allows to use it interactively. It not only allows to look up key signatures for major and minor scales, but all modes derived of the major scale, like dorian, phrygian. So it is possible to display key signatures for all mixolydian scales for example and simultaneously highlight the other degrees for that mode. Additionally ChordLab displays degree structures for a key in standard Roman numerals. This is extremely useful when putting together chord progressions. Roots of the current harmonic domain are highlighted in white and can be tapped to audit the associated chords.


Finding Chords

The chord finder feature in ChordLab allows you to input 3 or 4 notes to determine their harmomic quality. ChordLab will always find the enharmonically simplest solution and does not require you do know whether a note is called G# or an Ab. C-Gb-Bb-D for example will resolve to a D aug7 chord with a correct spelling of C-F#-A#-D. This is especially useful for guitarists that seldomly encounter chords in root position due to the tuning of the instrument. In addition to the note picker interface for the chord finder there are also interfaces for guitar and piano. That makes it easier to input chords when one is not entirely sure about the name of the notes included.

Chord labeler

Tuning Presets


The guitar instrument has a tunings window. All common standard and open tunings as well as a custom setting are available from the tunings picker at the top of the window. Using any of the slider will override the current tuning and generate a custom tuning. Strings can be tuned by 7 semitones higher or lower than the standard tuning. Experimenting with tunings is a great way to find chord voicings that are not available in the standard tuning and thus expanding one's vocabulary.

Chord Lab

Watch-enabled for iOS


Like all watch apps ChordLab for Apple Watch is an extension of the iOS app that hosts it. If you own ChordLab and an Apple Watch you get the watch app for free. ChordLab for Apple Watch is very simple to operate. It implements the chord spelling functionality of ChordLab. Just dial in your chord root and qualifier (i.e. Fb maj7) and viola it shows you Fb, Ab, Cb and Eb as the chord tones (no B in this chord, my man).

We are working on additional features and watch apps for our other apps. So stay tuned.


Putting music theory into words often makes it sound overly complex. Chords are color and nobody would say that red or blue are complicated. ChordLab is not an application that shows you 1000 different colors. It is an application that lets you work with colors, identify them, make them brighter, darker, less complex, more complex and then shows you how to play them. It is very a unique tool for musicians, song-writers, professionals and music students and one that you will find yourself coming back to again and again.


  • Chord spelling for all common chords
  • Notation and textual representation of chord tones
  • Chord finder for triads and seventh chords
  • Alto, bass, tenor, treble clefs, TAB and grand staff
  • All inversions and standard voicings
  • Virtual piano and guitar instruments
  • Chord tone labeling in instrument views
  • All common open and alternate tunings presets (guitar)
  • Alternate fingerings (guitar)
  • Chord rating
  • Automatic reduction to 3 or 4 voices
  • Automatic root and fifth substitution
  • Watch-enabled for iOS
  • Key signatures lookup (circle of fifths)
  • Support for left-handed players
  • European and American chord notation
  • Arpeggiated and block chord playback
  • MIDI support
  • ChordLab is localized into Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish
Ein einzigartiges Programm hilft Musikern bei Chord Spelling und AnalyseChordLab

Das essentielle Programm für Liedermacher und Musiker aller Art hilft beim buchstabieren von Akkorden. Als Akkordrechner zeigt ChordLab auch für kompliziertere Akkorde die korrekten Vorzeichen an, ob es sich um Bs Kreuze oder Doppelkreuze handelt. Das ist jedem nützlich, der seine eigenen Songs schreibt und Harmonien mit anderen kommunizieren muß.

Zudem zeigt ChordLab auch Fingersätze gegebener Akkorde für Piano und Gitarre (TAB und Diagramm) an. Es gibt alle in Jazz, Rock, Pop und anderen Stilrichtungen gebräuchliche Voicings, was auch behilflich sein kann, für einem etwas unbekanntere Harmonieinstrumente zu schreiben.

Chord Labeled Ukulele

Ein anderes wesentliches und für einige vielleicht das wichtigste Feature in ChordLab ist auch der sog. Akkordfinder mit dem man Noten auf Akkordzugehörigkeit testen kann. Einfach die bekannten Noten eingeben und nachsehen, ob es sich dabei um einen Standardakkord handelt. Man braucht dabei auch eventuelle Vorzeichen nicht zu berücksihtigen und kann z.B. A# anstatt Bb eingeben.

Der Quintenzirkel kann nützlich sein, um parallele Tonarten (Dur/Moll) abzulesen. Er ist aber auch großzügig angelegt, um beim Üben gut von weitem sichtbar zu sein.

Kurzum, allen, die ein Harmonieinstrument spielen sollte ChordLab in vielerlei Hinsicht von Nutzem sein. Am Besten gleich mal ausprobieren, denn das Demo kostet nichts. Wie immer gibt es ein ein-jähriges Abonnement für alle Upgrades (unabhängig von Version).

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