Rekordbox Slicer

  1. Rekordbox License Key Input
  2. Rekordbox Dj Slicer
  3. Rekordbox Slicer Software
  4. Rekordbox Slicer Free
  5. Rekordbox License
  1. The DDJ-XP2 feels natural with rekordbox DJ or Serato dj Pro; you can easily trigger the popular features of either application such as hot Cues, beat jump, and slicer; no matter which DJ performance application you choose, you’ll craft creative, unique performances.
  2. Slicer rekordbox slicer function divides a specified range into eight equal sections, and these 8 sliced sections are assigned to respective performance pads. While one of the performance pads is clicked and long-pressed, the sound divided and assigned to that pad is played in a loop.
  3. SLICER LOOP Slicer Loop Slice Shift(Only PAD5,6) Sampler slot Stop rekordbox FX1-1 effect ※2 - Load a sample to Sampler slot 9 HOT CUE Hot Cue Mode Beat Jump Mode 10 ROLL PAD FX1 Mode PAD FX2 Mode 11 SLICER Slicer Mode Slicer Loop Mode rekordbox FX1-2 effect ※2 - 12 SAMPLER Sampler Mode Sampler Roll Mode mode HOT CUE Call Memory Cue( ) -.
  4. beat jump pad fx 2 slicer loop sampler roll With DDJ-XP1, you can customize the pad modes in Pad Editor. For details, refer to the Pad Editor Operation Guide of the rekordbox product site.

Learn how to use the Slicer feature to rework a tracks structure into something completely unique. Music used: CamelPhat - Get Sick (Original Mix) - Toolroom.


ver. 5 license

  • I activated a subscription license but would like to use it on another computer. Is it possible?

    Yes. First, deactivate the license on the computer you activated Plus Pack.

    Then you can activate it on another computer.

  • How do I activate the license key?

    Confirm that your computer is connected to the Internet, and activate the license key using the following procedure.

    1. Start rekordbox.
    2. Open the [Preferences] window and click the [License] tab.
    3. Click the [Activate] button next to the [License Name] you want to activate.
    4. Check that your email address and password are correct, and then click [OK].
    5. Enter the license key and click [OK].

    When the message [The license has been activated successfully] is displayed, activation is complete.

    Store the license key in a safe place after activation is complete.

    For details, refer to rekordbox Introduction.

  • I cannot activate my license. “The license key you entered has already been activated on other computers.” appears when I try to activate it.

    You can activate a license key in up to two computers at the same time.

    To activate it on a third computer, you need to deactivate it on one computer you already activated it.

    To deactivate Plus Pack license(s), see here.

  • I don’t know how to deactivate a license key.

    Open [Preferences] > [License] and click [Deactivate] for each Plus Pack license to deactivate the Plus Pack license.

    When you deactivate rekordbox dj, you will deactivate all the licenses.

  • Can’t I use the license any longer if I deactivate a license?

    The license will not become invalid even if you deactivate the license.

    Once you deactivated a license, the license will be returned to the server, and it will be able to be used on another computer.

    You can activate on up to two computers per license at the same time.

  • How can I change my Pioneer DJ account?

    Caution : If you are currently activating the license key, please deactivate the license on all computers where the license is activated before changing your account. If you do not deactivate it, you can not activate with a new account.

    Follow the steps below to change your Pioneer DJ account.

    1. Go to rekordbox and click [Privacy Settings] in the [KUVO] menu.
    2. Click [Change].
    3. Enter the email address and password of the account you wish to use and click [Change].

  • When the license key is entered, the message “rekordbox could not write a license file to the following folder. Please check the settings of anti-virus software.” is shown, and activation is not successful.

    Age of empires iso file. The security features or software of your OS are preventing the files required for activation from being written to the folder.

    • If you are using Windows Defender, temporarily disable the [Controlled Folder Access] setting and attempt activation again. (*1)
    • If you are using security software, temporarily disable [Ransomware protection] and attempt activation again. (*2)

    *1 You can also add rekordbox to the list of [Allowed Apps]. For this, use the rekordbox program file (C:Program FilesPioneerrekordbox 5.x.xrekordbox.exe).

    *2 There is also a setting available to set the files to be written to the following folder.

    For Mac: /Users/Shared
    For Windows: C:UsersPublicDocuments

  • How can I confirm which license keys are currently activated?

    You can confirm which license keys are currently activated using the following procedure.

    1. Log in(*) to your account here.
    2. After login is complete, click the customer name that appears in the top right corner of the screen.
    3. Click [Licenses] on the left side of the screen.
    4. The currently activated license keys are displayed.

    If the screen shows the message [No licenses registered], there are no activated license keys on your account, or your license keys have been deactivated on all computers.

    *If you have multiple accounts, try logging in to one of the other accounts to check.

  • What happens when the rekordbox dj license key is deactivated?

    After your rekordbox dj license key is deactivated, PERFORMANCE mode cannot be used.

    Other functions (PlusPack) will also be deactivated at the same time.

    Insignia usb 2.0 to ethernet adapter driver download windows 10. EXPORT mode can still be used for functions such as music management and recording.

    *Track information and playlists will not be deleted when the license key is deactivated.

    *Following deactivation, the license key can be used on another computer.
    Store the license key safely.

  • How do I activate the same license key on another computer?

    Use the following procedure to activate your license key on a new computer.

    1. Install rekordbox on the new computer.
    2. Register the same account as on the previous computer.
    3. Activate using the same license key as on the previous computer.

    If you intend to continue using the previous computer, this completes the procedure.

    If you do not intend to continue using the previous device, you must deactivate it using a separate procedure.

    *If you have already activated the license key on 2 computers, deactivate one of them before activating a new one.

    For details, refer to rekordbox Introduction.

  • What is the maximum number of computer to which a single license key can be activated?

    Each license key can be activated on up to 2 computers.

    *For activation on a third computer, first deactivate one of the previously activated devices in advance.

    *If your license has already been activated on another computer, the same account information must be used when activating it on a new device.

    For details, refer to rekordbox Introduction.

  • Can a license key be used with a product other than the one it came with?

    Yes, it can.

    For example, if you have activated a rekordbox dj license key that came with DDJ-400, PERFORMANCE mode can be used when connected to CDJ-2000NXS2 as well.

    *Even if a product comes with a license key, it cannot be used if the key is not activated.

    *When using DDJ-200 in PERFORMANCE mode together with another product, a rekordbox dj license key is required.

  • I have multiple license keys. Do they all need to be activated?

    Activation is required for each feature (PlusPack) that you want to use.

    For example, when using the DVS function with DJM-450, the license keys supplied for both rekordbox dj and rekordbox dvs must be activated.

    If you have multiple license keys for the same function, such as rekordbox dj, only one of those license keys needs to be activated.

  • Where can I find a license key?

    How you confirm the license key differs depending on the method in which it was obtained.

    For PioneerDJ products that come with a license key at purchase

    The license key is written on a rectangular black card packaged with the instruction manual.

    *The [KEY] written on the back of the product is not the rekordbox dj license key.

    For DDJ-200

    This product does not come with a license key, but PERFORMANCE mode can be used when connected to DDJ-200.

    For license keys purchased online

    The license key is sent to you by email following purchase.

    Click here to check your purchase history and license keys on the Digital River website.

    *When logging in for the first time following purchase, enter the email address you registered with here, and then set your password using the email that arrives later.

  • I purchased DDJ- 200. Do I need a rekordbox dj license key?

    A license key is not required when using rekordbox connected to DDJ-200.

    While connected, PERFORMANCE mode can be used without a rekordbox dj license key.

    To use PERFORMANCE mode while not connected to DDJ-200, or together with another product, a rekordbox dj license key is required.

  • In what situations are license keys required?

    Requirement of a license key depends on how the product is used, and which model you are using.

    EXPORT mode

    No license key required.
    In this mode, you can use music management, transfer tracks to your USB device, use PRO DJ LINK, make recordings, and perform other functions.


    A rekordbox dj license key is required(*).
    In this mode, you can perform a DJ mix with rekordbox.
    If you have a product that comes with a rekordbox dj license key, use the accompanying key.
    *A license key is not required when connected to DDJ-200.

    When using additional functions (PlusPack)

    If you are using an additional function such as rekordbox dvs, rekordbox video, RMX EFFCTS, or rekordbox lyric, you have to use a rekordbox dj license key and the relevant license key for that feature.

To download this software, you first need to agree to the Software End User License Agreement.
Note: In rekordbox (ver. 6.0 or later), you don't need to use 'rekordbox dj license key card' that came with your DJ equipment. For details, see here.

Software End User License Agreement

This Software End User License Agreement (“Agreement”) is between you (both the individual installing the Program and any single legal entity for which the individual is acting) (“You” or “Your”) and AlphaTheta CORPORATION (“AlphaTheta”).


1.1 “Documentation” means written documentation, specifications and help content made generally available by AlphaTheta to aid in installing and using the Program.
1.2 “Program” means all or any part of AlphaTheta’s software licensed to You by AlphaTheta under this Agreement.


2.1 Limited License. Subject to this Agreement’s restrictions, AlphaTheta grants to You a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, license (without the right to sublicense):
(a) To install a single copy of the Program in Your computer or mobile device, to use the Program only for Your personal purpose complying with this Agreement and the Documentation (“Authorized Use”);
(b) To use the Documentation in support of Your Authorized Use; and
(c) To make one copy of the Program solely for backup purposes, provided that all titles and trademark, copyright and restricted rights notices are reproduced on the copy.

2.2 Restrictions. You will not copy or use the Program or Documentation except as expressly permitted by this Agreement. You may transfer the Program (when the Program is transferred related license is also transferred without any procedure), but will not sublicense, rent, lease or lend the Program, or use it for third-party training, commercial time-sharing or service bureau use. You will not Yourself or through any third party modify, reverse engineer, disassemble or decompile the Program, except to the extent expressly permitted by applicable law, and then only after You have notified AlphaTheta in writing of Your intended activities.

2.3 Usage of Lyrics is limited to your personal, noncommercial use in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. You may not reproduce (other than as authorized for your own personal usage), publish, transmit, distribute, publicly display, rent or lend, modify, create derivative works from, sell or participate in the sale of or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, any of the Lyrics so provided. You agree that you are not granted any so-called “karaoke” or “sing-along” rights to Lyrics and you shall not seek to or remove any vocal track from a sound recording that shall be associated with a Lyric provided to you. You agree not to assign, transfer or transmit any Lyrics to any third party. You agree that you shall not seek to or do anything that will defeat, evade or circumvent any efforts that may be made to protect the Lyrics from any unauthorized usage. You also agree that except as specifically authorized herein, the foregoing restrictions apply to your use of Lyrics.

2.4 Ownership. AlphaTheta or its licensor retains all right, title and interest in and to all patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret and other intellectual property rights in the Program and Documentation, and any derivative works thereof. You do not acquire any other rights, express or implied, beyond the limited license set forth in this Agreement.


2.5 No Support. AlphaTheta has no obligation to provide support, maintenance, upgrades, modifications or new releases for the Program or Documentation under this Agreement.




You may not use or otherwise export or re-export the Program except as authorized by United States law and the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Program was obtained. In particular, but without limitation, the Program may not be exported or re-exported (a) into any U.S.-embargoed countries or (b) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s Specially Designated Nationals List or the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Persons List or Entity List. By using the Program, you represent and warrant that you are not located in any such country or on any such list. You also agree that you will not use the Program for any purposes prohibited by United States law, including, without limitation, the development, design, manufacture, or production of nuclear, missile, or chemical or biological weapons.


The Program and Documentations are “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation” as those terms are defined in 48 C.F.R. §252.227-7014 (a) (1) (2007) and 252.227-7014 (a) (5) (2007). The U.S. Government’s rights with respect to the Program and Documentations are limited by this license pursuant to 48 C.F.R. § 12.212 (Computer software) (1995) and 48 C.F.R. §12.211 (Technical data) (1995) and/or 48 C.F.R. Capture one pro 13.1. §227.7202-3, as applicable. As such, the Program and Documentations are being licensed to the U.S. Government end users: (a) only as “commercial items” as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. §2.101 generally and as incorporated in DFAR 212.102; and (b) with only those limited rights as are granted to the public pursuant to this license. Under no circumstance will the U.S. Government or its end users be granted any greater rights than we grant to other users, as provided for in this license. Manufacturer is AlphaTheta Corporation, Yokohama i-Mark Place 6F, 4-4-5 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-city, Kanagawa prefecture, Japan, ZIP: 220-0012


You agree that any breach of this Agreement’s restrictions would cause AlphaTheta irreparable harm for which money damages alone would be inadequate. In addition to damages and any other remedies to which AlphaTheta may be entitled, You agree that AlphaTheta may seek injunctive relief to prevent the actual, threatened or continued breach of this Agreement.


AlphaTheta may terminate this Agreement at any time upon Your breach of any provision. If this Agreement is terminated, You will stop using the Program, permanently delete it from your computer or mobile device where it resides, and destroy all copies of the Program and Documentation in Your possession, confirming to AlphaTheta in writing that You have done so. Sections 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 will continue in effect after this Agreement’s termination.


8.1 Limitation of Liability. In no event will AlphaTheta or its subsidiaries be liable in connection with this Agreement or its subject matter, under any theory of liability, for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages, or damages for lost profits, revenue, business, savings, data, use, or cost of substitute procurement, even if advised of the possibility of such damages or if such damages are foreseeable. In no event will AlphaTheta’s liability for all damages exceed the amounts actually paid by You to AlphaTheta or its subsidiaries for the Program. The parties acknowledge that the liability limits and risk allocation in this Agreement are reflected in the Program price and are essential elements of the bargain between the parties, without which AlphaTheta would not have provided the Program or entered into this Agreement.

8.2 The limitations or exclusions of warranties and liability contained in this Agreement do not affect or prejudice Your statutory rights as consumer and shall apply to You only to the extent such limitations or exclusions are permitted under the laws of the jurisdiction where You are located.

Rekordbox License Key Input

8.3 Severability and Waiver. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the extent possible or, if incapable of enforcement, deemed to be severed and deleted from this Agreement, and the remainder will continue in full force and effect. The waiver by either party of any default or breach of this Agreement will not waive any other or subsequent default or breach.

8.4 No Assignment. You may not assign, sell, transfer, delegate or otherwise dispose of this Agreement or any rights or obligations under it, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, by operation of law or otherwise, without AlphaTheta’s prior written consent. Any purported assignment, transfer or delegation by You will be null and void. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns.

8.5 Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or representations, whether written or oral, concerning its subject matter. This Agreement may not be modified or amended without AlphaTheta’s prior and express written consent, and no other act, document, usage or custom will be deemed to amend or modify this Agreement.

8.6 You agree that this Agreement shall be governed and construed by and under the laws of Japan.


When using the program, You must agree on the following:
(a) To follow copyright protection laws, rules and regulations designated in every country and international treaties;
(b) To legally obtain music data used in the Program;
(c) Not to bypass or decode Digital Rights Management technology implemented to the data.
In addition, you may not copy music data beyond the extent of private use. You may not give or transfer music data to third party. You may not share or intend to share the media or storage used to save music data with others. You may not save music data to media or storage which allows access to third party. You may not provide live distribution of such music data to third party.

ver. 6.5.1 (2021.03.02)


Rekordbox Dj Slicer


  • Support for SoundCloud Go+: High Quality Streaming.
  • macOS Big Sur now supported. (Driver software included)


  • You can use rekordbox (Hardware Unlock) when the following mixer and PC/Mac are connected via USB cable and the mixer and the CDJ-3000 are connected via LAN.

Rekordbox Slicer Software


  • Added the following format for rendering audio files in EDIT mode.

Mac: FLAC, AIFF, M4A(256kbps)

  • Automatic deck selection for lighting is now available in PERFORMANCE mode when a PC/Mac is connected with the following units via a USB cable.


*NOTE: The DJM-V10-LF is not compatible with this feature. If the auto mode does not work as expected, please select the deck manually.

  • Changing and saving WAVEFORM CURRENT POSITION on the CDJ-3000's enlarged waveform is now available.
  • Tracks with m4p extension in iTunes Library are now shown as those with unsupported formats.


Rekordbox Slicer Free

  • Offline Locker edits would not be reflected immediately for Beatport LINK and Beatsource LINK tracks.
  • Occasionally artwork disappeared when importing Beatport LINK and Beatsource LINK tracks.
  • Unable to log in to TIDAL.
  • Improved stability and fixes for other minor issues.

Rekordbox License

  • System Requirements


    Windows 10、8.1 (64-bit, The latest service pack)
    macOS Big Sur 11 (Updated to the latest version)
    macOS Catalina 10.15 (Updated to the latest version)
    macOS Mojave 10.14 (Updated to the latest version)
    macOS High Sierra 10.13 (Updated to the latest version)
    Please read if you are considering buying a Windows 10 PC with an Intel 11th generation processor.


    Intel® processor 1st generation or later Core™i9, i7, i5, i3
    Intel® processor 1st generation or later Core™i9, i7, i5 (Video function)
    AMD Ryzen™ 1000 series or later CPU
    Apple M1 chip (Vocal Position Detection is not available)
    To use Vocal Position Detection, you'll need an AVX compatible CPU.


    4GB or more of RAM
    8GB or more of RAM (Video function)

    Hard disk/SSD

    2GB or more of free space (not including space for storing music files, etc.)


    Audio output to speakers, headphones, etc. (internal or external audio device)

    USB port

    A USB 2.0 port is used to connect a controller or a mixer, and export track files to a USB storage device such as a flash drive and a hard disk drive

    LAN port

    An Ethernet LAN adapter (RJ45 port) for communicating with the DJ player is required to transfer music files to a Pioneer DJ player (i.e. CDJ-TOUR1, CDJ-2000NXS). For details, check the operating instructions of the Pioneer product, etc.

    Playable music file


    Display resolution

    1280 × 768 or greater

    Internet connection

    An internet connection is needed to create a rekordbox user account and to download and activate the software.