Delete Apps

Ongoing work on the next Win10 tweak guide.
I’m considering removing this method from the guide and linking to a separate how-to.
I very much need your input…

With this video, I will show you, how you can delete/uninstall/remove an app at the Samsung Galaxy A20 and A21s.Some apps are not able to remove them, but yo. Sep 15, 2019 To find the app you want to delete, type the name of the app in the search box. Click on the app name to open the related options. Select Uninstall to remove the program.

There are a variety of ways to uninstall Win10s built in apps. Some of them you can right-click a tile and uninstall. However, this doesn’t work for all of them, or even most of them.
The fastest and Geekiest way to uninstall most of this stuff is via PowerShell.
This is an advanced way of doing this and should only be attempted by those who know what they are doing and have backups.

Uninstall Via PowerShell

How to uninstall or delete Hidden apps from your phone. How to remove spying or hidden apps from your phone. Sometimes we accidentally or unintentionally ins. To uninstall an app: On the Games & Apps tab, select Library. Locate the app you'd like to uninstall and select. Select Manage All Applications and select the app you are having trouble with. Select Delete from Device. Note: Preinstalled apps can't be removed, but can be organized on your home screen. Jun 06, 2020 Four ways to delete unwanted apps from your Android phone. Clear out the junk and clutter of random apps on your Android phone or tablet with just a couple of taps.

You can uninstall via PowerShell > Get-AppxPackage. I’m not a big fan of this for most folks because it’s complicated.
You need to run PowerShell as administrator to do this. You can run the following command to launch a new PowerShell windows as admin:
Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
Go to All apps > Windows PowerShell folder > right-click Windows PowerShell > choose Run as Administrator

How To Uninstall Unwanted Apps

You can list the installed apps by copy/paste the following:
DISM /Online /Get-ProvisionedAppxPackages | select-string Packagename for Microsoft apps.
Get-AppxPackage | ft Name, PackageFullName -AutoSize for an extended list

Universal Commands
Uninstall All Apps: ***DANGEROUS
Get-AppxPackage -allusers | Remove-AppxPackage

Reinstall All Default Apps
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)AppXManifest.xml”}

Delete Apps

The switch -allusers removes the apps from all accounts on the machine.

Delete Apps On Mac

Some of these are not installed by default but are installed when you click on the Start Menu tile, whether you meant to or not.

Most names are self-descriptive. If you don’t know what it is then ask here or Google it.

Delete Apps From App Library

The apps I recommend to uninstall via copy/paste (you can copy/paste all at once):
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.BingWeather* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.GetHelp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Office.OneNote* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.People* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Print3D* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.ScreenSketch* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.SkypeApp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Wallet* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsAlarms* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsMaps* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsStore* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.XboxApp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.YourPhone* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.ZuneMusic* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.ZuneVideo* | Remove-AppxPackage

Delete Apps On Ipad

Apps that are or have been installed by MS in the past or via just by clicking on the tile:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *ActiproSoftwareLLC* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *AdobeSystemsIncorporated.AdobePhotoshopExpress* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers Microsoft.BingNews* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *CandyCrush* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *Duolingo* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *EclipseManager* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *Facebook* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers ** | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *Flipboard* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *HiddenCityMysteryofShadows* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *HuluLLC.HuluPlus* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *Pandora* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *Plex* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *ROBLOXCORPORATION.ROBLOX* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *Spotify* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *Netflix* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *Microsoft.SkypeApp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *Twitter* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers *Wunderlist* | Remove-AppxPackage

All the apps installed by default on Win10 20H2:

Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.549981C3F5F10* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.BingWeather* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.GetHelp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Getstarted* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.HEIFImageExtension* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge.Stable* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.MSPaint* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Office.OneNote* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.People* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Print3D* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.ScreenSketch* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.SkypeApp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.VCLibs.140.00* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.VP9VideoExtensions* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Wallet* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WebpImageExtension* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Windows.Photos* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsAlarms* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsCalculator* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsCamera* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsMaps* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.WindowsStore* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.XboxApp* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.YourPhone* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.ZuneMusic* | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxPackage -allusers Microsoft.ZuneVideo* | Remove-AppxPackage



Removing an app that was added as a tab from a Microsoft Teams channel makes it inaccessible from the Teams tab for all members of the Teams channel.

To remove an app from your team:

  1. Go to the team that you added the app to.

  2. Select the drop-down for the tab.

  3. Select Remove.

  4. Confirm Remove.

The app is now removed from your Teams channel.

See also


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