Gradle Commands Cheat Sheet


Gradle is a Java project build tool that allows you to compile, build, manage dependencies, and deploy your projects. It also creates jar/war/ear files for various web and Android applications.

Running Commands. Run a command whose path has spaces in it: You have to wrap the entire command, but NOT the arguments, in quotes, for example: C: Users yourusername.gradle'C: Program Files (x86) Java jdk1.8.0172 bin keytool.exe' -importcert -file ca.crt -keystore gradle.jks -alias In this cheat sheet, you will get to learn about some of the best features of codemagic.yaml, as well as get yourself familiarized with it. Building with YAML. You can get the basic YAML template for any project directly from the Codemagic project settings page.

  • Gradle Cheat Sheet Edit Cheat Sheet Commands gradle build gradle build -scan # Create code scan gradle tasks # List build targets gradle tasks -all gradle cleanup.
  • The following sections describe use of the Gradle command-line interface, grouped roughly by user goal. Some plugins also add their own command line options, for example -tests for Java test filtering. For more information on exposing command line options for your own tasks, see Declaring and using command-line options.
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The java gradle project includes xml, java, and jsps source code that has been committed to svn and git repositories.

Gradle command promptGradle commands cheat sheet

Gitignore is a file that includes a list of files or directories that should be ignored when committing to remote repositories in Java projects.

Gradle build commands

What files in java gradle projects should be skipped for git commits?

The files generated during the Gradle build process are listed below, and they’ve been added to the .gitignore file.

Gradle compiles java files and generates class files in the target folder, so class files must be ignored.

The archive files created by the final application are in the jar, ear, and war formats. The following entries must be added to the gitignore file for package-related files.

.gitignore file for eclipse gradle projects

when java projects opened in IDE’s like eclipse, intelli and blueJ, It generated IDE specific related temporary as well as environment files


gitignore file for Intelli IDEA editor for gradle projects

The gradle projects are loaded and configured differently in each IDE. Intelli IDE generates a lot of temporary files, add them to the gitignore file in gradle applications.

Gradle Build Commands

Here is the git ignore file example for Intelli IDEA

gitignore file for netbeans in gradle applications

Gradle Commands Cheat Sheet Pdf

netbeans output lot for temporary files and folders when you imported gradle projects.

Gradle Commands Cheat Sheet Dnd

gitignore file example for gradle java application